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Light above Injustice

Change occurs when the injustice is acknowledged yet met with emotions that include acceptance and peace.

“This, my dear, is the greatest challenge to being alive: To witness the injustice of this world, and not allow it to consume our light.” — Unknown author

Such a profound statement of how we can choose to be in this current world environment.
The list of injustices grows every day… and it can be so easy to slip into frustration…anger…helplessness…
Yet, within our beingness, there is an inner wisdom that is connected with comfort, acknowledgement, and peace.
You have the power of choice.
As you feel the feelings of the injustices, determine how long you want to stay in that feeling. By feeling angry, you are meeting the injustice with the same energy that created it. That does not create change.
Change occurs when the injustice is acknowledged yet met with emotions that include acceptance and peace.

  • It is about seeing it rather than denying.
  • It is about calling it out for what it is not justifying.
  • It is about recognizing that personal experiences create different perspectives.
  • It is about honoring there is a higher purpose that has yet to be revealed.
  • It is about choosing peace and inviting it to expand within.

You have a choice in all situations…expand kindness and peace or add to the fear and anger. Which would you prefer?

(Meme taken from a Facebook post)

To get something different, you have to shift from the inside out. 

If you have attended a PSYCH-K® workshop, then reflect, create the Goal Statements/ Beliefs to support what you desire, and Balance to integrate your new beliefs. Then take action to demonstrate your commitment.

If you have not attended a PSYCH-K® workshop, then use what you know to transform or contact me about my private session program or find a workshop and learn how to be free to create your future.

In working with me, what is appreciated is the ease and simplicity that the PSYCH-K® approach provides in transforming experiences that hold someone back and to be able to move forward.

Picture of Robin L. Graham

Robin L. Graham

Robin helps people, just like you, to have greater success in life.