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Fill the void

Kintsugi… the Japanese art of golden joinery.

What if you intentionally break a bowl… and rather than being upset that it broke… you were excited because you can bring it back together with gold while realizing some insights about yourselves AND have a beautiful unique bowl when finished.
I experienced this and found some fascinating insights.
The bowl was functional to begin with… yet we were told to put in a bag and drop it from knee height. Yikes!
Mine broke into 3 big pieces with 2 small pieces and one larger triangle piece. (some people in group had 8-10 pieces so I felt glad about the way mine broke)
After gluing the 3 big pieces together, I realized that the larger triangle piece would no longer fit… the edges had shifted just slightly enough that unless I break bowl again there was no way the triangle would fit back in.
It was suggested that I “let it go, it will never fit back in”… and then a wonderful question… “What does the piece represent?”
Immediately, I knew it represented activities and how I am quick to say Yes – and fit whatever into my tight schedule!!!

Wow – the need to fill the void… fill my schedule… fill silence… fill spaces… I humbly learned that insight from my bowl.
Now, I have this beautiful unique bowl with an amazing void as a reminder to allow for open space in whatever way that appears in my life.
(and, I have used PSYCH-K® to rewrite my beliefs about honoring space, time, and silence!)

To get something different, you have to shift from the inside out. 

If you have attended a PSYCH-K® workshop, then reflect, create the Goal Statements/ Beliefs to support what you desire, and Balance to integrate your new beliefs. Then take action to demonstrate your commitment.

If you have not attended a PSYCH-K® workshop, then use what you know to transform or contact me about my private session program or find a workshop and learn how to be free to create your future.

In working with me, what is appreciated is the ease and simplicity that the PSYCH-K® approach provides in transforming experiences that hold someone back and to be able to move forward.

Picture of Robin L. Graham

Robin L. Graham

Robin helps people, just like you, to have greater success in life.