Get Started
Experience one (1) private session available once per person on a specific topic or life area that you would like to transform.

One of the initial challenges for experiencing a Private Session is the Myth that it is hard, difficult, and takes a long time to change beliefs.
That is false — when you use the proven process of PSYCH-K®.
This session is available either in person in my location, over the phone, or via a zoom call.
The private session is approximately 50 minutes and includes a brief discussion about:
- Your specific area to move ahead with and
- Your idea of what you would rather experience in order to Get Started and get moving
Then, I will guide you through the PSYCH-K® transformation process starting with a brief explanation of the steps.
The flow and specifics of the session are customized to each individual based on:
- Conscious discussion of the specific focus area
- Subconscious choice(s)
- Superconscious permission and guidance
You are responsible for committing to taking action to support the new subconscious beliefs and for observing what you notice as different as a result of the session.
In working with me, you benefit from over 25 years of my experience with private sessions. Through laser questions and inspired inquiry, we will accelerate the process of defining the current situation, establishing the desired outcome, and integrating the changes for lasting transformation.
StartUp topics can range from:
- Avoidance of a situation
- Acceptance of changes
- Expand the spiritual connection
- Freedom from fears
- Greater self-confidence
- Reduce health concerns
- Resolve relationship difficulties
- And other focus areas that are either limiting Your Greatness or you want to enhance and expand Your Greatness
Next steps...
- Contact me for a Get Started Session and experience the difference in your life and the ease with that you can Live Your Greatness.
- You can later choose to continue with additional sessions by utilizing the
Move Forward Program.
Get Started Experiences:
After attending a fabulous business conference in NYC, I was sitting at an outside cafe with several other people. After sharing and exploring various future goals, one person expressed that she was feeling resistance as she imagined the possibility of actually having success with her idea. I asked if she would like to explore transforming that resistance within a few minutes. She agreed and we began the process. Within about 5 minutes, she confirmed that the resistance was completely gone. She shared that as a long time meditator and being very aware of her physical and emotional body, she knew that this was greater than her mind changing … she said, “My whole being has changed.”
This is a simple yet profound example of PSYCH-K® and the shift is long-term for her.
(And checking in with her 6 months later, she confirmed it has been a significant change and a lasting transformation.)
Although this was in person, the same process can be offered via online video or phone.
Online video:
The client in Africa shared that she was experiencing horrific hot flashes multiple times during the day which had been occurring for more than 10 years. We discussed possible beliefs that would impact her physical body reaction and then I guided her through transforming the beliefs. She shared that within a few hours, she noticed a difference and 4 days later confirmed that the hot flashes were significantly reduced although not completely gone. The reduction has been maintained for the last several months. Although additional balancing could likely eliminate them totally, she has opted to continue with private session but is focusing with other critical areas since she said she can deal with the minimal hot flashes now. And, once the other critical areas are transformed, we agreed to come back to the hot flashes.
One of the initial challenges for experiencing a Private Session is the Myth that it is hard, difficult and takes a long time to change beliefs. That is false — when you use the proven process of PSYCH-K®.