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Let Go & Find Better

How often do you find out you held onto something too long and when it no longer is working, you are required to search for a replacement and then… you find something better???

The water bottle is my latest experience in letting go and finding something better!

I am not marketing the Contigo water bottle however, it is the key to this experience. After having a specific Contigo style water bottle that I loved for many years, the seal finally started to leak. Also, the button to open the top became ‘looser’ so it accidentally opened when being carried inside my bag with my computer, books and papers…That was not a pleasant discovery!

What did I love about my water bottle? 

  • It holds around 24 ounces
  • Has wide access at top for easy cleaning
  • Drink through an opening not a straw or squirt function
  • Ability to securely seal it when inside a bag
  • A convenient handle to carry it when needed 

Searching for the replacement, I looked for the original style online and in various stores but my original bottle was no longer produced and all of my requirements seemed to be unavailable in one bottle. 

Okay, time to expand and find a new option.

Happened to walk down a grocery aisle I rarely visit and realized there were water bottles on the shelf. Hmmm… 

Rather than assuming they would not have a water bottle with my requirements, I looked through the options. 

Nope nope nope – straws, squirting, too small, too large, no handle.

Then, on the bottom shelf behind other bottles was a different one.

And, yes, yes, yes… it has all my requirements including a new lock function so the access button can not be accidentally pushed. Surprisingly, it is a Contigo. Plus, it is my favorite color and was less expensive than the Contigo options available online!!

While this is about buying a water bottle, it is a great example of how we get locked into the way something should function or behave. What I found is that when I let go of getting a direct replacement, I discovered the new and improved version in the most unexpected location.

What are you keeping as a behavior, action, thought, or assumption with yourself or others? 

Give yourself the gift of looking at it and be open to discover a new way of doing or being.

Frustration, interruption, or external forces often are the cause for change yet the best way to change is to choose to explore on your own and be open to fresh new opportunities.

What could you let go of and discover that there is something even better available?

[appreciation to Contigo brand for the image]

To get something different, you have to shift from the inside out. 

If you have attended a PSYCH-K® workshop, then reflect, create the Goal Statements/ Beliefs to support what you desire, and Balance to integrate your new beliefs. Then take action to demonstrate your commitment.

If you have not attended a PSYCH-K® workshop, then use what you know to transform or contact me about my private session program or find a workshop and learn how to be free to create your future.

In working with me, what is appreciated is the ease and simplicity that the PSYCH-K® approach provides in transforming experiences that hold someone back and to be able to move forward.

Picture of Robin L. Graham

Robin L. Graham

Robin helps people, just like you, to have greater success in life.