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Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Interdisciplinary Perspectives
How do biology, the quantum realm, and spirituality find commonality?  

Being curious about many disciplines, I have always been drawn to a variety of topics – beliefs, thoughts, biology, quantum aspects, spirituality, and nature as well as a surface interest in astrology and astronomy.

What I love is when the different disciplines express similar perspectives even though different words or terms are being used.

You can visit my website page about the Science of Beliefs for more of my view of the interconnection.

And I just enjoyed a video that also presents the broader perspectives of various disciplines and how they align with each other.

The video is by Pam Gregory, a London-based astrologer, who presents amazing insights from the astrology arena (the depth of astrology I have chosen to not learn so don’t understand most of her technical info videos but love her interpretations.)

This video is not about astrology but about her experience with different disciplines sharing similar perspectives.

If you are curious – enjoy watching Pam’s 34-minute video:

Remember, you create your perceptions and beliefs that impact your daily experiences and your future possibilities.

Consider the imprints in your life and those you have left with others or will leave in the future…what would you choose to do differently?

To get something different, you have to shift from the inside out. 

If you have attended a PSYCH-K® workshop, then reflect, create the Goal Statements/ Beliefs to support what you desire, and Balance to integrate your new beliefs. Then take action to demonstrate your commitment.

If you have not attended a PSYCH-K® workshop, then use what you know to transform or contact me about my private session program or find a workshop and learn how to be free to create your future.

In working with me, what is appreciated is the ease and simplicity that the PSYCH-K® approach provides in transforming experiences that hold someone back and to be able to move forward.

Picture of Robin L. Graham

Robin L. Graham

Robin helps people, just like you, to have greater success in life.